San Antonio No-Fault Divorce Lawyers
If you and your spouse wish to file for a no-fault divorce, you need to know your legal rights and options. Divorces, even no-fault divorces, are complicated and emotionally-challenging proceedings. At Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., our experienced San Antonio no-fault divorce attorneys are here to provide you experienced counsel and will help make sure that your best interests are protected. Call Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. today at (210) 349-9933 to schedule a consultation.
Do I Need a Lawyer?
Though you might think that filing for a no-fault divorce means that you can forego legal representation, it is not always a good strategy. An experienced family attorney is prepared to handle:
- Complex Issues: Legal issues in divorce proceedings can get very complicated very quickly. Even for a relatively simple no-fault divorce, there are many rules and regulations you have to follow. Making things even more complicated is the fact that individual courts have many small rules that can be completely different from another court. Lawyers are trained to be able to deal with this complexity and know the rules that they need to follow.
- Legal Requirements: Courts hold everyone to the same standard, regardless of your circumstances. If you represent yourself, you will be expected to perform as well as any trained and experienced attorney. If you don’t meet those expectations, then the court could come to a decision that is against your best interests. For a no-fault divorce, this would usually mean that you will get less of your property than you otherwise would have if you had an experienced lawyer. The lawyers at Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. have extensive training and are prepared to deal with the demanding requirements that courts set.
- Contentious Situations: Even if you and your former spouse think that everything will go smoothly with your divorce, complications in your case could quickly arise. Discussions about property division and child visitation can quickly go from friendly to outright hostile. An attorney from Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. can act as a third party that can work towards a solution without the risk of things dissolving into a fight.
Why You Should Hire Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P.
At Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., our attorneys are experienced, board-certified, and work tirelessly to represent our clients. We pride ourselves on our top-quality representation, like Charles E. Hardy, who has over 30 years of experience in family law and who has been named a Super Lawyer for 10 straight years. Another of our lawyers, Amy A. Geistweidt, has 25 years of experience and was named a Super Lawyer in 2009. Attorney Ann W. Jamieson, has published several works related to family law. Our attorneys are some of the best family law attorneys in Texas and will fight to ensure a good result for all our clients.
If you are dealing with a no-fault divorce, there are likely other legal issues that you are also coping with. At Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., we can take care of all your family-law related issues, including the following:
- Child custody support
- Joint custody
- Modifications to existing agreements
- Domestic partnerships
- Property division
- Alternative dispute resolution
At Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., our lawyers are knowledgeable about the nuanced complexities of the law. We have years of training and practical experience in our fields that allow us to know what the laws are and how they work. If you need a no-fault divorce, Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. and our legal team will help guide you through this difficult time. Call (210) 349-9933 today to schedule a consultation.
What is a No-Fault Divorce?
A no-fault divorce is any divorce that does not meet the standards of a fault divorce. Most of the time, there is no abusive or illegal behavior that can be assigned to either party. No-fault divorces usually occur because the spouses grow apart or can’t get along, which is often referred to as having irreconcilable differences. No-fault divorces are sometimes less contentious than a fault divorce, but they are still complicated and can easily lead to conflict between the parties involved in them.
No-fault divorces do not have to be handled by the courts. It is quite possible to settle things through mediation between the two former spouses and whatever counsel that they have. Mediation is usually quicker, cheaper, and less contentious than going to a court. If you and your spouse are on good-enough terms, it might be a good idea to give mediation a chance. Talk to a lawyer at Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. about this option and see if it is right for your situation. We can act as legal counsel during mediation, so we make sure that your legal rights are being protected
The consequences of a no-fault divorce are just as real as a those of a fault divorce, even if they are not quite as severe. When the marriage ends, the court will split marital property. Spouses can agree to some amount of spousal support, but courts will not order alimony for a no-fault divorce.
Property division will occur, with each spouse getting their separate property and a just-and-right division of the community property. What is just-and-right is determined by the court and can change based on the situation. Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. is experienced in the property division process, and can make ensure you receive the property you deserve.
Another concern during and after a divorce is children. It is possible to make agreements on things like visitation and child support, but the courts always keep the best interest of the child in mind. If the agreement does not meet at least the minimum legal requirements, then the courts will not accept it. Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. can guide you through your negotiations and make sure that any agreement between you and your former spouse will be accepted by the courts.
Contact Us
Divorces are complicated, difficult, and stressful to deal with, but you do not need to deal with that stress alone. If you are seeking a no-fault divorce, Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. can assist you with the process and help you achieve the best possible result. Whether it is through mediation or the courts, we will help you and your spouse end your marriage as painlessly and amicably as we can. Contact Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. today at (210) 349-9933 and allow our divorce lawyers to help you through your case. Check out our office location on Google Maps before stopping by.