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San Antonio Infant Adoption Birth Certificate Attorneys

US birth certificateAll babies born in Texas are issued a birth certificate. A birth certificate is an official document that lists the child’s name, gender, information about birth parents, and the place where the child was born. If you have ever needed to get a driver’s license, obtain a passport, or fill out tax forms, you know it’s vital to have a copy of your birth certificate.

For individuals who want to adopt an infant, obtaining a birth certificate is crucial for several reasons. First, this document will be critical for your child as they grow. You may need it to enroll your child in school and as proof of identity when they enter the workforce.

However, getting a birth certificate for an adopted child can feel intimidating. Where do you start? What information do you need? At Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., our team of compassionate San Antonio infant adoption attorneys can help you through the process. The joy of bringing home your child should never be overshadowed by jumping through legal hoops. Let an experienced San Antonio infant adoption attorney help you tackle the legalities of adoption so you can focus on becoming a parent.

Main Office 12000 Huebner Rd #200, San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 349-9933

Infant Adoption and Obtaining a Birth Certificate

If you are adopting an infant, Texas requires that you apply for a new birth certificate. You must submit your application to your local district clerk. A trained adoption examiner will review the application and accept or reject your certificate request. If your application is rejected, you can resubmit your application, but this will add time to the process. Even the smallest error in your application can trigger a rejection, which is why having an attorney help you prepare the document can be an asset.

Information Included on the Birth Certificate

The information on the child’s new birth certificate is similar to the original birth certificate. However, in addition to the child’s name and place of birth, the name and personal information of the child’s adoptive parents will be listed.

Many adoptive parents worry that information about the child’s adoption will be on the new birth certificate. Rest assured, the infant’s new birth certificate will only include relevant information about the baby, like weight, length, and date and time of birth. It will not include information on the birth parents.

What Happens to the Original Birth Certificate?

Once an adoption is finalized and a new birth certificate is issued, the original birth certificate will generally be sealed, meaning access to the original birth certificate becomes restricted. Your birth certificate application must be detailed and accurate. If the new certificate includes errors, it can take tremendous time and paperwork to correct. You will also be on the hook for paying additional birth certificate amendment fees while waiting for the state to issue your child new documents.

An original birth certificate can be sealed but never destroyed. There are ways to obtain the original document. If your child wishes to access their original certificate, they will generally need to wait until they turn 18 and are considered a legal adult. They must petition the court for access in the county that granted the adoption. The process can be long and complicated. Some rights groups seek to amend the process to make it easier for adopted children to obtain their original birth certificates.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Birth Certificate?

After you file your birth certificate application, it can take 20 to 30 days to process your request. This period only accounts for the time it takes the district clerk’s office to process your application and does not include shipping time. Typically, you can expect to see your child’s new birth certificate within one to two months. However, this time frame may vary depending on the circumstances of your case.

A skilled infant adoption attorney can give you a better idea of how long you can expect to wait for your application to be processed and a new birth certificate issued.

Why Do You Need an Experienced San Antonio Infant Adoption Attorney?

infant adoption attorney helpSecuring a new birth certificate after an adoption sounds like it should be an easy and streamlined process. However, that isn’t always the case. Adoption can be long and complicated. The last thing you want is to prolong the process and deprive yourself of valuable, stress-free bonding time with your infant. That’s why you need the help only an experienced San Antonio infant adoption attorney can provide you and your growing family.

At Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., we understand the complexities of adoption. Our legal team can help you move through the process smoothly and efficiently. We can help ensure that your paperwork and documentation are detailed and accurate to avoid potential delays in obtaining your child’s new Texas birth certificate. We can also answer all your questions and address your concerns with the adoption process and what to expect when requesting a new birth certificate for your child.

It doesn’t matter what stage of the infant adoption process you are in, the legal team at Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. can help you complete every aspect of the adoption so you can focus on being the parent your infant needs.

Contact a Skilled San Antonio Infant Adoption Attorney Today

The nursery is ready and stocked with clothes, diapers, toys, and other essentials. You may have prepared for everything, but are you prepared to deal with the challenges of legally adopting an infant? If you are considering adoption or are in the process of filing for adoption, talk to a skilled attorney. The San Antonio adoption attorneys with Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. want to help you overcome the hurdles that accompany bringing your precious baby home.

Adopting an infant and becoming a parent is a rewarding and life-changing experience. Don’t mark that experience by navigating the adoption process alone. Let the compassionate and skilled attorneys with Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. help you become a parent and obtain your child’s new birth certificate efficiently. Contact our San Antonio office today for a confidential consultation.

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Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P. 12000 Huebner Rd #200 San Antonio, TX 78230 Telephone: (210) 349-9933 Fax: (210) 349-9988
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